Analysis Overview and Aims
Identify opportunities to optimise Order Tracking for BB Provisioning to reduce digital leakage
Sample Size: 99 customers who have visited Order Tracking within 14 days of placing a BB order and subsequently called the contact centre
Insight Aims:
What are the most common issues customers have within Order Tracking that lead to them to still need to call?
What is the customer intent when using Order Tracking on Sky Q STB?
Does our current journey include what customers typically want to see/get from Order Tracking?
Looking at trends in customer behaviour when using Order Tracking, Is there any copy we could change, or amend/add next best actions?

[ Click to View the Full Document ] – Clicktale and Call Listening Analysis – Issue Summary
The problems identified
39% of broadband provisioning customers
called to check their order status even though this was available online via Order Tracking.
56% of these customers had the status of ‘In Progress’
The reasons the customers called were:
- Information – who contacts other provider regarding phone line takeover
- Order was cancelled as the wrong address was used – had to be reordered to correct address
- Status change to action required – Openreach engineer needed to be booked
- Activation date on OT was showing the day she contacted Sky and BBT was not working
- Customer was worried about one her Q boxes not arriving
44% of these customers had the status of ‘Action Required’
The reasons customers fell into this status were:
- Failed order due to system issues. Customer was alerted via SMS
- Order recovery team had cancelled order
- Delayed order due to issue with service install – customer alerted via SMS
The goal of the project
- Improve on current Track My Order experience on Sky Q STB
- Reduce calls into the contact centre, with focus on ordered items where better informations could have been provided
- Increase engagement of customers with the order tracking process
- Improve on the following key issues that customers highlighted as being the biggest problems they have:
- Checking order status
- Checking service activation date
- Check Sky Q hub delivery
- Check engineer date
Number of calls into the contact center, obviously we wanted to drastically reduce the number
Engagement level with user when visiting the Track My Order experience on Sky Q
Customer Satisfaction level (increase the CSAT score)
How I planned to solve it
Working in Agile we set up a team which included me as the Senior UI/UX Designer, PO, back end and front-end developers.
The process put in place to develop the feature is as follow:
DISCOVER – Background Research / User interview / Analysis
DEFINE – Feature prioritisation / User persona / Costumer journey
DESIGN – Wireframe / Visual mock-up / Prototype
TESTING – Usability testing / User testing sessions / A-B testing
DELIVER – Pixel perfect visuals / Interactive prototype / Assets ready for devs
Background research
Similar Order Tracking Experiences
Sky Mobile Order Tracking Experience
Sky Mobile OT
Sky Mobile OT
Sky Mobile OT
Sky Mobile OT
Sky Mobile OT
Sky Mobile OT Order Tracking Experience
- OT
- OT
- OT
- OT
- OT
The main aim is to identify the best layout and scalable solution which would be then developed into the fully fledge journey.
The focus is on presenting all of the necessary information whilst clearly displaying order’s statuses optimising the on-screen real estate in order to be able to accommodate all of the products and correlative journey within the wider process.

User flow – Click to view full screen
Visual exploration
Several variations on the UI of the Order Details screen as well as the Main Dashboard elements.
Phase one
My focus was on visualising the most appropriate, effective and immediate visual solution, comparing and developing an easy to understand iconography, colour scheme, labels and order status / informations.
Phase two
I’ve delve into labels, clearly signposting the current order’s status at a glance, the solid background of the smart tile and variations on the overall look and feel.
BOT journey, Voice commands, Conversational UI
A Conversational UI gives the privilege to the user of interacting with the STB on human terms. Conversational interface allows a user to tell the STB what to do.
With my work I’ve identified the correct syntax and voice actions a customer should utilise in order to get to check is order’s status from anywhere in the Sky Q STB.
I’ve then developed an MVP for what a potential BOT-guided journey would look like, adapting several element of the UI and creating brand new ones, changing the interactivity paradigms and utilising new areas of the on-screen real estate such as the lower third of the screen.
User flow – MVP
User flow of the Sky Q Order Tracking MVP.

Order Tracking – MVP – User flow
Interactive notification
The so called “umbrella notification” as they display in the upper third of the screen, have been identified as an optimal way to keep the customers informed about any status update on their ordered products. It also provides a quick an easy way to interact with, reschedule, cancel or track on map any live order.
Product Statuses
Each and every product can have up to four different statuses, On Track, Delayed, Get in Touch and Complete. These are all of statuses of the several products available to track as part of the MVP journey.
The fact that one product changes status has structural consequences as with the new status the order may now present two distinct CTAs depending on factors such as if the order requires an engineer installation or is a self-install one.
Sky Q HUB / Self Install
Sky Q Minibox
Sky Q Minibox & Remote Complete
How I measured success data analysis
Within the first three months following the launch of the new Order Tracking experience on Sky Q STB we collected the following data:
28% less
phone calls to the Contact Centre for customers with active orders
11.5% increase
in customer satisfaction following the introduction of the new experience
15.3% increase
of customers using the new Order Tracking dashboard and viewing orders on the Sky Q STB
Developers handover / specifications
Preparation of the specifications for the whole of the journey provided to the front end developers.

Smart Tiles Specs
What is Order Tracking?
Order tracking is where you can track all your orders, ranging from accessories to Sky Store products, delve into the order’s details, reschedule an engineer visit and get a precise estimate of when the product will be with you.
Project Background
More than 39% of existing customers who call up within 14 days of placing an order could have solved their issue if a better customer experience was provided to them. An update to our current order tracking process would provide real value for STB users wanting to track their items.
I’ve researched, analysed and compared the best cases of similar UX Design solutions to the project’s final brief whilst considering both internal and users’ requirements in order to help me identify risk assumptions early and swiftly, avoiding to waste up time for a final solution that doesn’t satisfy the users nor the company’s goals and vision.
UI & Visual Assets
There have been several iterations of the UI of the whole journey, they’re based on technical limitations and back-end capabilities, user feedback gather via on-site workshops, user testing with fully working prototypes, A-B testing which solution would better satisfy customers needs.
The importance of Prototypes
Many ideas fail, not because they are flawed, but because people didn’t ‘get it’. It can be hard to imagine new products, services or features. That is where traditional specification documents and business plans fail. They do not excite people about the potential. They do not show them what could be.
Which is why working in Agile, I felt the need to prototype pretty much every design task for every sprint so to shows stakeholders, developer, PM and back-end, what I was going to build. That means everybody had the same picture of the end goal. It significantly reduces the need for people to ‘fill in the gaps’ with their imagination.
It’s also a great tool for user testing session, to gauge the level of engagement of a specific feature and further iterate if and when needed. Occasionally and particularly in the early days of a project, I had to make few assumptions about what users want. Some companies do market research, but just like stakeholders users often struggle to picture what it is you are proposing building.
Testing a prototype allows you to validate the assumptions you make and be confident you are building the right thing.
Click on the thumbnail below to launch the interactive prototype:

Click here to launch the interactive prototype
Sky Q STB customers.